Membership Enquiries

Working in Partnership with
Bexhill Bowling Club offers a warm welcome to all new members
If you would like to join us, kindly complete the membership application form  below:

Club Membership application form

Here are some examples of club activities during a normal season

New to bowls?
What’s It All About?
In lawn bowls the target is clear – get your bowls as close as possible to a small white ball called the ‘jack’.

Lawn bowls is played on greens measuring 38.5m x 38.5m. The green is divided into sections called rinks.
Players take it in turn to bowl and when all the bowls have been played, competitors or teams get one point for each of their bowls that is lying closer to the jack than the opponent’s closest bowl.
Why You’ll Love It
With plots, intrigue and surprise endings – lawn bowls is a thriller, not a snooze-fest. Tactics play a huge part in the game, along with razor-sharp hand eye coordination.
Lawn bowls is also a great leveller – prepare to see age and experience go head to head with budding contenders.
Lawn Bowls Jargon
Draw shot – a bowl that reaches the jack.
Shot Bowl – the bowl closest to the jack.
Skip – the team captain.
Wick – occurs when the bowl in collides with a stationary bowl, causing it to change direction.


 For general enquiries, kindly complete the following:


Coronavirus Guidance - Bowls England